Welcome to the University Curriculum Archive
This service is to be utilized to search for digital versions of course and program proposals stored by the University Archives.
Users should complete the search form with as much detail as possible for accurate results. Use the auto complete feature in the text boxes to help limit results.
For a full description of each field click the label next to it.
Upon searching and finding the appropriate course / program proposal you can download a PDF file that can be saved and shared to describe the course / program taken at Penn State University. Any additional information needed for such a request can be obtained by contacting either the Office of the University Faculty Senate (814-863-0221) or the University Archives (814-865-1793).
Course / program proposals that are currently available using this service range from January 1970 through the present. Course / program proposals created prior to January 1970 can be retrieved by contacting the University Archives (814-865-1793).
Transcripts can be requested by contacting the Office of the University Registrar at registrar@psu.edu or (814-865-6357).
The University Curriculum Archive service is a collaborative effort made possible by the University Faculty Senate, University Archives and Information Technology Services.
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